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Lubin School of Business Counseling Team

Jim Davis

Assistant Director for Lubin Programs & Services PLV

Jim is currently the Assistant Director, Lubin Programs and Services on the Pleasantville campus, a position he has held for 5 years.  He joined Pace in 2016 as a Seidenberg Career Counselor.  Previously, Jim worked as a professional for 36 years for Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, AT Kearney, and global executive search firm, Russell Reynolds Associates.  He has a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Rutgers University and an MBA from New York University.

Feel free to schedule an appointment in Handshake or send an email directly.

In-Person Drop-in Office Hours: Wednesdays 3:30pm – 4:30pm | Pleasantville Campus

Virtual Zoom Office: https://pace.zoom.us/my/jimdavispace | Password: cooper


861 Bedford Road, Paton House, Pleasantville, NY 10570
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