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Dyson / SOE / Sands College of Arts and Sciences Counseling Team

Tara Chiari

Assistant Director, Dyson Programs & Services

Tara Chiari specializes in coaching students, creative professionals and business executives around their career exploration, development and planning. She is an experienced higher education leader and adjunct professor in career development.  Tara is passionate about topics around professional and leadership development as well as personal branding and communication. She loves helping students turn an ‘I don’t know’ into ‘I know’ and an ‘I can’t’, into ‘Yes, I can!’ especially as it relates to their job search strategy and career plans.  For over 20 years she worked as a Senior Executive in Marketing and Product Management at major music companies (Universal Music, Capitol Records, EMI Music, Sony Music, Mercury Records), in NYC and Hollywood, boosting and launching the careers of rock stars.  Now, she likes to say that she makes rock stars out of aspiring professionals and executives. Fun facts: she is an avid marathon (14x and counting), has an obsession with jigsaw puzzles and spotting barn houses on road trips.

Feel free to schedule an appointment in Handshake.

In-Person Drop-in Office Hours: Thursdays 10am – 11am | New York City  Campus

Virtual Zoom Office: https://pace.zoom.us/j/96272549723 | Password: BeKind


161 William Street, 1st Floor, New York, NY 10038
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