Log in with your Pace credentials for access to all the resources (click the "Sign In with your School Credentials" button).

Grow your Network

Networking is “a deliberate activity to build, reinforce, and maintain relationships of trust with other people to further your professional goals.” Research shows that Networking accounts for 70-85% of all jobs filled! 

Pace University offers a great deal of community-building events, organizations, and road-trips. The Career Services Office creates networking opportunities for students by organizing a multitude of employer events, supporting you in growing your professional network! In this way, you get exposed to employment opportunities and connected with companies and industry professionals.

Use the following Career Services resources to learn how to grow your professional network and build relationships that lead to job opportunities. 


Register for the Career Services “Network Like a Boss workshop (in-person or via Zoom) to be guided in real time by a Career Counselor.



Use the following resources to guide yourself asynchronously and in your own time through the process and reach out to Career Services any time.


How-to's & Online Guides

Network Like a Boss Online Guide
The Goals of Networking
Growing your Community at Pace
How to Connect with Industry Professionals
How to Conduct Informational Interviews
The Informational Interview – Step by Step

Templates and Samples

Personalized LinkedIn Connection Request Template and Samples
Cold Messages for LinkedIn or Email Networking
Requesting an Informational Interview Template
Sample Questions for Informational Interviews
Sample Messages to Recruiters and Hiring Managers on LinkedIn
Thank you Note Template (for after the Informational Interview)

New York City Campus

161 William Street
1st Floor
New York, NY 10038
Phone Number: (212) 346-1950
Fax Number: (212) 346-1719



Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Westchester Campus

861 Bedford Road
Paton House
Pleasantville, NY 10570
Phone Number: (914) 773-3415
Fax Number: (914) 773-3701



Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.