Welcome to the Government, Policy, Legal, & Advocacy Career Community!
If you enjoy researching and investigating laws, policies, or public records, are drawn to participating in debate to defend a position or an individual, or if you would like to contribute to issues like social justice, equality, and educational access and attainment, this is the Career Community for you! You may have an interest in analyzing policy information, criminal investigation, government regulations, environmental science, sustainability and resilience planning, advocating for others, as well as conserving native ecosystems. Career opportunities in this field will enable you to learn the law and governmental systems as well as to mitigate problems that affect the justice system and help create sustainable environmental, social, political, or economic policies. Careers in this Community span a variety of sectors, including government, legislation, activism, court systems, non-profits, NGOs, and law enforcement.
Note: There can be overlap in career areas bridging this Career Community and Counseling, Therapy, & Support and Community Services Communities. Explore both Communities.
Is this Career Community right for you? Use our Career Community Finder to assess your interests and find out.
Explore some career possibilities for this Career Community by clicking on sample job function areas below and see the associated sample job titles.
Sample Jobs:
Explore the positions using the links below.
- City Managers
- Community Affairs Specialists
- Environmental Planners
- Federal and State Officials
- Foreign Service Officers
- Health Policy Specialists
- Intelligence Officers
- Land Acquisition Professionals
- Legislative Services Specialists
- Lobbyists
- Law Enforcement Personnel
- Policy Analysts
- Regional and Local Officials
- Urban and Regional Planners
- Community Health Workers
- Health Advocates
- Healthcare Advocates for the Medically Underserved Specialists
- Chronic Disease Management Specialists
- Environmental/Occupational Health and Safety Specialists
- Emergency Management Directors
- Environmental Economists
- Health and Regulatory Inspectors
Sample Jobs:
Explore the positions using the links below.
Sample Jobs:
Explore the positions using the links below.
Work in this field involves actively contributing to crucial issues such as:
- Enhancing healthcare accessibility
- Expanding educational opportunities
- Addressing environmental and climate concerns
- Advocating for fair immigration policies
- Promoting racial and social justice
Sample Jobs:
Explore the positions using the links below.
- Social & Community Service Managers
- Clean Energy & Environment Advocates
- Climate Change Policy Analysts
- Environmental Lobbyists
- Corporate Climate Strategists
- Technology Ethicists
- Ethical Sourcing Officers
- Grant Writers
- Healthcare Policy Advocates
- Land Trust or Preserve Managers
- Land Acquisition Professionals
- Lobbyists
- Public Opinion Researchers
- Policy Analysts
- Environmental Restoration Planners
- Directors of Volunteers
Note: The Non-Profit Industry
As an industry, non-profit and common good organizations cover a wide array of interest areas and offer a variety of jobs. In exploring positions in this sector, we would recommend considering how the mission of the organization aligns with your values and thinking also about a functional area that interests you and that could match your skills and talents.
Sample Jobs:
Explore the positions using the links below.
- Probation Officers & Correctional Treatment Specialists
- Deputy U.S. Marshals
- Private Investigators
- Lawyers
- Court Navigators
- Elder law attorneys
- Corporate Lawyers
- Criminal Lawyers
- Intellectual Property Lawyers
- Civil Litigation Lawyers
- Biotechnology Patent Lawyers
- Bankruptcy Lawyers
- Wealth Management Lawyers
- Environmental Lawyers
- Venture Capital Lawyers
- Mutual Fund Lawyers
- Real Estate Lawyers
- Public Interest Lawyers
- Private Equity Lawyers
- Hedge Fund Lawyers
- Patent Lawyers
- Paralegal & Legal Assistants
- Public Lawyers
Students seeking to gain a better understanding of the legal system or in preparation for a career in law are encouraged to pursue either the Law or the Pre-Law minor.
See also
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Keep reading below
to learn how to pursue careers in this Community.