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Military & Veterans Student Community


Welcome to the Pace Military and Veterans Student Community! 

The goal of this Community is to support and prepare student veterans and military service members in their transition from the military into the civilian workplace. Use these resources to explore career options that leverage your skills, learn how to describe your military experience on resumes, cover letters, and online profiles, discover networking opportunities to connect with employers and other community members, and apply via job boards and special employment programs. Career Services is always here to guide and advocate for military and veteran students and graduates as they navigate the intersection of their identity and career trajectory.  

Use the following resources to pursue professional development opportunities and to connect with mentors and other industry professionals. 


Job Search Resources

Lime Connect
Student Veterans of America (SVA)
Federal Diversity Internship Initiative

How-to's & Online Guides

Why Veterans Should Consider Internships, Research, and other Experiential Learning Opportunities
Tips for Military and Veteran Community on Civilian Resumes
LinkedIn for Veterans: LinkedIn Learning Course
Interviewing Strategies for Military & Veteran Student Community

Professional Organizations

Advocacy & Support Resources

New York City Campus

161 William Street
1st Floor
New York, NY 10038
Phone Number: (212) 346-1950
Fax Number: (212) 346-1719



Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Westchester Campus

861 Bedford Road
Paton House
Pleasantville, NY 10570
Phone Number: (914) 773-3415
Fax Number: (914) 773-3701



Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.