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College of Health Professions Counseling Team

Laureen Campanelli

Assistant Director, The College of Health Professions Programs and Services

Laureen Campanelli is an experienced Higher Education professional with ten years of experience in career counseling, admissions, and program management. Laureen completed her graduate studies in Higher Education Administration and Student Affairs at New York University. In her current role, she provides career counseling for nursing and allied health professionals in all phases of their career development journey. In her spare time, she enjoys the Adirondacks with her family and endless cups of coffee.

Feel free to schedule an appointment in Handshake or drop by for virtual Open Hours:

Office Hours Schedule: Monday, Friday, 1:00-2:00 pm

Virtual Zoom Office: https://pace.zoom.us/s/91467703472  |  Password: career


861 Bedford Road, Paton House, Pleasantville, NY 10570
Schedule an Appointment