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Employer Relations Team

Helene Cruz

Director, Career Services

With a diverse background spanning human resources roles in compensation, benefits, recruiting, and employee relations across academia, non-profit, union, and entertainment sectors, she brings a wealth of expertise. Proficient in project management, coaching, and fostering relationships, she excels in mentoring young professionals and managing employee relations. Serving at Pace University, her journey began as the Assistant Director for MBA Programs and Services, overseeing career management programs and job development services for MBA/MS students, undergraduates, and alumni. Her tenure evolved into significant leadership roles, advancing to Associate Director, then Director of Employer Relations, demonstrating her adaptability and growth within the university setting. Her career highlights an exceptional tenure, showcasing her commitment, versatility, and progression in the field of career counseling, employer development, and human resources.


161 William Street, 1st Floor, New York, NY 10038