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Welcome to the Software Engineering, Web Development, & Game Design Career Community!

If you are drawn to the process of creation and are interested in devoting your skills in mathematics or design toward an applied field, consider the Software Engineering, Web Development, & Game Design Career Community. If you enjoy writing computer programming code to create software applications and tools, websites, or mobile applications, creating and designing video games, or developing algorithms that allow machines to perform tasks normally reserved for humans, this is the Career Community for you!

Career Community Finder

Is this Career Community right for you? Use our Career Community Finder to assess your interests and find out.


Explore some career possibilities for this Career Community by clicking on sample job function areas below and see the associated sample job titles.

Sample Job Titles
Explore the positions using the links below.

As of a 2019 report, it is forecast that over 23 million jobs will be enhanced by virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies globally by 2030, an increase from the 800 thousand jobs that were enhanced by VR and AR in 2019. VR, AR, and mixed reality (MR) is often referred to as extended reality (XR), an emerging term used for all immersive technologies.

Sample Job Titles
Explore the positions using the links below.

See also:

Sample Job Titles
Explore the positions using the links below.

A finger pointing to the join button

Join this Career Community to be notified about internships, jobs, and events just for you. Update anytime! 

Use the following niche job boards, in addition to Handshake, to apply for internships and jobs of interest.

Keep reading below

to learn how to pursue careers in this Community.


Job Search Resources

Handshake Job Board


Handshake is the internship and job board where employers are looking to hire Pace University students and graduates. Log …

General Tech Job Boards
Software Engineering, Web Development, & Game Design Job Boards
Job Search Keywords for Software Engineering, Web Development, & Game Design

Skill Building

Pace Blue CoLab
Pace Robotics Lab

Resume Resources

Networking Resources

Alumni Networking Program
Seidenberg LinkedIn Group
Seidengang Discord Server
Pace Career Services Discord Server

Discord server for all Pace Career Services information! Join our community and role yourself to get the most customized chanels.

New York City Campus

161 William Street
1st Floor
New York, NY 10038
Phone Number: (212) 346-1950
Fax Number: (212) 346-1719



Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Westchester Campus

861 Bedford Road
Paton House
Pleasantville, NY 10570
Phone Number: (914) 773-3415
Fax Number: (914) 773-3701



Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.