Scientific Research: Biology, Chemistry, Forensics, Neuroscience
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NEED A JOB? Try searching on Bandana. The #1 Job Site for Workers! We exist to give back hard-working, everyday Americans the power to transform their lives for the better.
That starts with helping people find a better job — and …
To help you search and apply for internships and jobs, here are sample job search keywords for your Career Community:
Use the following sample keywords when searching for internships and jobs online via Handshake or other job boards.
50 jobs …
Here are some job boards that will help you find Neuroscience positions:
Center for Community Action and Research
The Center for Community Action and Research (CCAR) offers opportunities for civic engagement through community service, political engagement, and social justice programming. In addition to planning group volunteering events for the Pace community, we …
The Center for Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE), based in the Office of Research, leads, supports and facilitates student-faculty research collaborations throughout the Schools and Colleges of Pace University. The Center’s work is building upon forty years of undergraduate research in …